G. Acosta, F. Bersetche, E. Otarola, D. Quero
E. Otarola, D. Quero, M. Sasso
E. Otarola, A. Salgado
D. Amigo, F. Lepe, E. Otarola, G. Rivera
A. Allendes, G. Campana, E. Otarola
G. Campana, P. Munoz, E. Otarola
F. Fuica and E. Otarola
F. Bersetche, F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
Applied Mathematics & Optimization,
A. Allendes, G. Campana, F. Fuica, and E. Otarola
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,
E. Otarola
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,
T. Mengesha, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Journal of Differential Equations,
A. Allendes, G. Campana, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Applied Mathematics Letters,
F. Bersetche, F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis,
A. Allendes, G. Campana, and E. Otarola
Journal of Scientific Computing,
A. Allendes, G. Campana, and E. Otarola
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
E. Otarola
Applied Mathematics & Optimization,
F. Fuica, F. Lepe, E. Otarola and D. Quero
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
F. Fuica and E. Otarola
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
A. Allendes, F. Fuica and E. Otarola
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Numerische Mathematik,
E. Otarola
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
A. Allendes, F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
Applied Mathematics & Optimization,
A. Allendes, F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS),
F. Lepe, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
Journal of Scientific Computing,
F. Fuica, F. Lepe, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
Computer and Mathematics with Applications,
C. Glusa and E. Otarola.
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis,
A. Allendes, F. Fuica, and E. Otarola
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
R. G. Duran, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
Mathematics of Computation,
A. Allendes, C. Naranjo, and E. Otarola.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
E. Otarola
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
Applied Mathematics Letters,
A. Allendes, F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and D. Quero
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
M. D'Elia, C. Glusa, and E. Otarola
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
L. Banjai, J. M. Melenk, R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, A. J. Salgado, and C. Schwab
Foundations of Computational Mathematics,
L. Banjai and E. Otarola
Numerische Mathematik,
E. Otarola, R. Rankin, and A. J. Salgado
Computational Optimization and Applications,
F. Fuica, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Computer and Mathematics with Applications,
E. Otarola and T. N. T. Quyen
Inverse Problems,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,
A. Bonito, J. P. Borthagaray, R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Computing and Visualization in Science,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, A. J. Salgado, and R. Rankin
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
Frontiers in PDE-constrained optimization, IMA Vol. Math. Appl.,
H. Antil, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Journal of Scientific Computing,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, and R. Rankin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, and R. Rankin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
H. Antil, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,
H. Antil and E. Otarola
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
A. Allendes, E. Otarola, R. Rankin, and A. J. Salgado
Numerische Mathematik,
E. Otarola
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
E. Otarola and A. J. Salgado
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
54(4), 2619--2639, 2016.
A. Allendes, E. Hernandez, and E. Otarola.
Computer and Mathematics with Applications
L. Chen, R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
Mathematics of Computation
85, 2583--2607, 2016.
H. Antil, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
Numerische Mathematik
H. Antil and E. Otarola
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
A PDE approach to numerical fractional diffusion.
Proceedings of the 8th ICIAM,
Higher Ed. Press, Beijing, 211--236, 2015.
R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
L. Chen, R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado
Journal of Computational Physics
R. H. Nochetto, E. Otarola, and A. J. Salgado.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
E. Hernandez and E. Otarola.
ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
D. Kalise, E.Hernandez, and E. Otarola.
A locking-free scheme for the LQR control of a Timoshenko beam.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235(5), 1383--1393, 2011.
D. Kalise, E.
Hernandez, and E. Otarola.
approximation of the LQR problem in a strongly damped wave equation.
Optimization and Applications 47(1), 161--178, 2010.
E. Hernandez and E.
A locking-free FEM in active vibration
control of a Timoshenko beam.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
47(4), 2432--2454, 2009. (pdf)
E. Hernandez, E. Otarola, R. Rodriguez, and F. Sanhueza.
Approximation of the vibration modes of a Timoshenko curved rod of arbitrary geometry.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
29(1), 180--207, 2009. (pdf)
E. Hernandez, E. Otarola, R. Rodriguez, and F.
Finite element
approximation of the vibration problem for a Timoshenko curved
Revista de la Union
Argentina 49(1), 15--28, 2008.